Deanery Committees
The Standing Committee
This is the executive committee of the Deanery Synod. It also delegates the function of the Pastoral Committee as necessary. Membership of the committee:
- Ex-officio:
i. The Very Reverend the Dean
ii. The Lay Chairman
iii. The two Vice-Deans
iv. The Chairman of the Finance Committee
v. A Proctor*
vi. The Treasurer*
vii. The Secretary*
*Non-voting, ex-officio members
b. Elected:
i. Two members of the House of Clergy
ii. Two members of the House of Laity
The Secretary and a Proctor, if members of the Synod, may attend meetings of the SC and may speak, but shall not have a vote.
The Finance Sub-Committee
This Sub-Committee reports to, and advises, the Standing Committee on matters relating to Diocesan Share. Membership of the Committee:
a. Ex-officio:
i. A Vice-Dean*
ii. The Treasurer*
b. Elected:
i. Four lay members;
ii. Three clergy members;
*Non-voting, ex-officio members. A Chairman will be appointed from the lay members of the committee.
The Mission And Church Growth Sub-Committee
This Sub-Committee reports to, and advises, the Standing Committee matters relating to the mission and growth of the Church in the Deanery. Membership of the Committee:
a. Ex-officio:
i. One of the Vice-Deans appointed by the Dean
b. Elected:
i. A Chairman
ii. Four persons, two from each House who shall be members of the Deanery Synod.