Occasional Fees 2025
There is no fee for a Baptism service. A nominal fee of £20 may be charged to produce a Baptism
certificate, should the family request one.
Marriage of Parishioners by Banns or Licence in Parish Church
Publication of Banns (payable to local church) | £45 |
Certificate of Banns | £25 |
Licence | £110 |
Ministry | £575 |
Charge for use of a Non Parishioner | £100 |
Clerk / Verger & Administration | £135 |
Other fees (Organist, choir, bells, video etc) by arrangement |
Marriage of Parishioners by Banns or Licence in District Church
Publication of Banns (payable to local church) | £45 |
Certificate of Banns | £25 |
Licence | £110 |
Ministry | £575 |
Charge for use of District Church | £200 |
Clerk / Verger & Administration | £135 |
Other fees (Organist, choir, bells, video etc) by arrangement | |
Funeral in Church, Cemetery or Crematorium
Ministry | £325 |
Burial of body or ashes on a separate occasion | £80 |
Charge for use of a District or Daughter Church | £220 |
Verger | £70 |
Organist fee by arrangement | |
Note on Gravestones: Rules vary from parish to parish and the advice of the Rector should be sought before a commission is undertaken.
Search of registers
Fees per hour | £35 |
Certificate (each) | £35 |
The Very Reverend Mike Keirle
Dean of Jersey
Contact Us

The Dean
The Very Reverend Michael Keirle
The Deanery, David Place
St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4TE
Jersey Safeguarding Lead
The Revd Beverley Sproats
St John’s Rectory, La Rue Des Landes,
St John, Jersey, JE3 4AF
Dean's Personal Assistant
Mrs Dawn Thomas
Deanery Office, St Pauls Centre, Dumeresq Street, St Helier, JE2 3WP