Rules & Regulations
Rules & Regulations
The Rules of the Deanery of Jersey were made by the Deanery Synod under powers conferred upon it by the Channel Islands (Representation) Measure 1931 to replace those previously made by the Deanery Synod and remaining in force on the date on which these Rules were adopted. Adopted by the Deanery Synod on 20th January 2015, approved by the Bishop on 11th June 2015 and in force on 17th June 2015
Deanery Administration and Governance
The Dean of Jersey is the senior priest in the Deanery. He fulfils the roles of archdeacon, rural dean and Bishop’s commissary and is the President of the Ecclesiastical Court.
The Deanery Synod is made up as follows:
House of Clergy
i. The Dean;
ii. All beneficed and licensed clergy in the Deanery;
iii. An elected representative of clergy resident in and holding permission to officiate (PTO);
House of Laity
iv. Representatives of the laity elected in accordance with the provisions of Part Two of the rules of Synod
v. Lay members co-opted under Rule 5 of the Rules of Synod;
vi. Members of the House of Laity of the General Synod whose names are inscribed on the Electoral Roll;
vii. All persons elected as Lay Members of the Diocesan Synod.
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