St Mary

St Mary’s is a church rooted in a traditional rural Jersey community with a desire to grow in numbers and expand our current age demographic to be more representative of and more relevant to the population of the Parish of St Mary.
What St Mary’s Church was is not what it shall be. The reason is simple.
We want to see, in our time, a work of God here that is so wonderful that we “would not believe it if we were told of it”. We do not and will not get it right all the time but we are a community of Christians set on doing the will of God and seeing his kingdom come.
Our worship each aims to deliver services that are worth “getting out of bed for”. We believe in the centrality of a joyful celebration of Holy Communion. We want congregants to be inspired every Sunday and sent by each service on their way rejoicing.
Lapel microphones, with audio system and loop are in use.
Sunday/weekday services
08.30 Holy Communion (BCP).
10.00 Parish Communion
except the first Sunday monthly where there is a Family Service.
Toddlers Service
10.00 - 10.45 Mondays (Not Bank Holidays) for toddlers and their mothers or fathers or grandparents. It ends with a simple communion service.
Special Services
For Baptisms, Weddings, Marriage Blessing and other special services, please contact the Rector to arrange.
Church Officers