St Martin de Grouville

We invite you to join us as members of God's family, wanting to draw closer to God in love and trust, in understanding and obedience.
Sunday/weekday services
8:30am: Holy Communion: a said service using traditional language (except the last week of the month when we meet at 9am at St Peter La Rocque for a Book of Common Prayer Communion service)
1st Sunday of the month All Age Service
2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays Parish Communion
3rd Sunday of the month Morning Worship
10:30am services use contemporary language and include a mix of modern and traditional hymns and songs led by our choir. Services are followed by refreshments. All 10:30am services are live streamed to the Facebook page (Grouville Church) where all the latest service information is published
Church Officers

Church Wardens
Mrs Myfanwy Agnes
Mr Simon Vivian
Apartment 2, Thornton Hall,
Upper Kings Cliff,
St Helier, Jersey, JE3 3EP
Safeguarding Officer
Mrs Myfanwy Agnes