A funeral is used to mark the end of a person’s life here on earth. Family and friends come together to express grief, give thanks for the life lived and commend the person into God’s keeping. These can be a small, quiet ceremony or a large occasion in a packed church.
Everyone is entitled to a funeral service in their local parish church, regardless of whether they attended church or not. Speak to your Rector or Vicar for more information.
We work with local funeral directors to ensure that families are supported at a time of bereavement.
Click on this link below for more information on planning a funeral.
Contact Us

The Dean
The Very Reverend Michael Keirle
The Deanery, David Place
St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4TE
Jersey Safeguarding Lead
The Revd Beverley Sproats
St John’s Rectory, La Rue Des Landes,
St John, Jersey, JE3 4AF
Dean's Personal Assistant
Mrs Dawn Thomas
Deanery Office, St Pauls Centre, Dumeresq Street, St Helier, JE2 3WP