St Clement

As a parish church, St Clement is ‘of the parish and for the parish’. We therefore not only seek to serve the people of St Clement in both spiritual and practical ways, but we also look to the wider world as we try to follow Jesus in all we do.
Sunday/weekday services
9am Holy Communion (St Nicholas)
1030am Holy Communion
Morning Worship 2nd/5th Sunday
Family Service 4th Sunday.
Pastoral Prayers
Meets every Tuesday at 9.00am at St Clement to pray for sick in the Parish and arrange visits. Contact Tracy Le C. Bromley on 857693 for times or prayers.
Church Officers

The Revd Canon David Shaw
The Rectory, La Rue du Presbytere,
St Clement, Jersey JE2 6RB
The Revd Martin Dryden
Mont Ube House, La Rue de la Blinerie,
St Clement, Jersey, JE2 6QT
The Revd Tracy Le C Bromley
le Vieux Chemin,
Rue de Causie, St Clement, Jersey, JE2 6SQ
Church Wardens
Safeguarding Officer
The Revd Tracy Le C Bromley
le Vieux Chemin,
Rue de Causie, St Clement, Jersey, JE2 6SQ