Deanery Staff
The Dean
The Very Reverend Michael Keirle
The Deanery, David Place
St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4TE
Dean's Personal Assistant
Mrs Dawn Thomas
Deanery Office, St Pauls Centre, Dumeresq Street, St Helier, JE2 3WP
Vice Deans
The Reverend Canon Geoffrey Houghton
Holy Trinity Rectory,
La Rue du Presbytere, Trinity,
Jersey, JE3 5JB
The Reverend Canon Paul Brooks
St Pauls Vicarage, 5 Claremont Avenue,
St Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7SF
Executive Secretary
Mr Howard Buesnel
Deanery Office,
St Paul's Centre, Dumeresq Street,
St Helier, JE2 3WP
Lay Chairman
David Smith
Deanery Safeguarding Officer
The Revd Beverley Sproats
St John’s Rectory, La Rue Des Landes,
St John, Jersey, JE3 4AF
Finance Committee Chair
Ms Aynslie Le Brun
Annecy, Poplar Avenue, La Grande Route de St Martin, St Saviour, JE2 7JR
Chapter Clark
The Reverend Jeff Wattley
The Vicarage, Le Mont Gabard,
Gorey, St Martin, Jersey, JE3 6UA
Warden of Readers
Synod Secretary
Mr Howard Buesnel
Deanery Office,
St Paul's Centre, Dumeresq Street,
St Helier, JE2 3WP
Standing Committee Secretary
Mr Howard Buesnel
Deanery Office,
St Paul's Centre, Dumeresq Street,
St Helier, JE2 3WP
Deanery Children and Families Development Officer
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Contact Us

The Dean
The Very Reverend Michael Keirle
The Deanery, David Place
St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4TE
Jersey Safeguarding Lead
The Revd Beverley Sproats
St John’s Rectory, La Rue Des Landes,
St John, Jersey, JE3 4AF
Dean's Personal Assistant
Mrs Dawn Thomas
Deanery Office, St Pauls Centre, Dumeresq Street, St Helier, JE2 3WP