St Martin De Gouray

Gouray Church sits high over the bay looking out towards Gorey Village and Harbour. We seek to bring light hope and blessing to our community.
Gouray is a District Church carved out of the Parishes of St Martin and Grouville during the shipbuilding and fishing boom that saw Gorey grow significantly in the 1830s. We have an enthusiastic congregation that ranges in age from small children to those well into retirement. It is very much a Church family and we have a Sunday Club each week to give special nurture and fun to the dozen or so children who are a vital part of the Church.
Our services include an early Holy Communion service each week and a monthly Prayer Book Evensong but the main weekly service at 10.30 varies between Holy Communion, Morning Prayer and All Age. We are blessed with gifted musicians and singers and also with regular visits from Gouray Young Voices, a Youth Choir associated with the charity Music in Action.
We are engaged with a vibrant Mothers and Toddlers group that meets in the Youth centre (Hilgrove Hall) and also take services and carry out visits to the Hollies Day Centre and Les Houmets Care Home.
We have a Church Development Plan to Grow Deeper, Grow Wider and Grow Younger. We seek to teach the Bible, share the Gospel and touch people’s lives with the Love of God.
We pray that all who worship with us will be brought closer to Jesus and gain a deepening trust in His love.
Sunday/weekday services
8.30 am Holy Communion from 'Common Worship'
10.30 am All Age Service (1st Sunday/month) or Holy Communion with Sunday Club (2nd 4th & 5th Sundays) or Morning Prayer with Sunday Club (3rd Sunday)
Church Officers